Get down with it

I’m a sucker for cool CLI tools, I admit it. And people know this. Ever since I ditched GUI tools for the more powerful console, I’m looking for things that make my life even more awesome. When Kristof Claes brought with to my attention, I’ve been working on a PowerShell port which is ready for the public!

But what is with? According to the description on GitHub it’s “Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool”. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? What it does is allow you to prefix a command to your command line so you don’t have to type this going forward. I always split my console into tabs with different shells (Bash and PowerShell) which are also split into other shells each containing 1 specific task (build, git, productivity and whatever). Using with I can repeat one statement until infinity by using enter or type git commands without typing git. It makes me faster and fits perfect in the way I use the command line.

In fact, I enjoyed using this so much I decided to integrate it into oh-my-posh. Not only does it work fine, it looks great too :-). There are a few more things on the road map such as settings to allow overriding the :q command to exit with. I tried to keep everything as close to the original as possible, but you might not necessarily like it that way.

Happy CLI-ing!

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